
Videos from Manor Fisheries

Following a visit on the 5th July 2019, Paul Garner the well-known angling journalist and specimen angler, created the above video entitled Catfish Fishing that highlights Manor Fisheries.

Have a look at a video created by the well-known specimen angler, journalist and photographer Duncan Charman, when he landed a 42lbs 8ozs Catfish during his late Summer 2020 visit. Why not reserve a Swim and relax in an uncrowded environment and possibly raise your Carp or Catfish PB whilst enjoying the beautiful countryside?

Recent Catch Photos



Mixed Lake 3

Manor Fisheries is pleased to show pictures of fish you have caught in our lakes. Please email your pictures by clicking the link below and then include your picture. Before sending any pictures please read the terms under which we accept you pictures.

You can also upload your catch reports to the Manor Fisheries Swimbooker profile page.