Christmas Greetings
Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Rhonda and Mike
Some dates for your 2020 diary.
The Manor Fisheries 2020 Season dates are:
2020 Bookings
You can now book your favourite week for 2020 noting we reopen on Saturday 21st March 2020. Bookings are now being accepted that include Apartment plus Fishing for 3, 4 or 7-nights or longer.
Holiday Arrival and Departure Dates
7 nights is arriving Saturday and leaving Saturday by 10.00 am
4 nights is arriving Monday and leaving Friday by 10.00 am
3 nights is arriving Friday and leaving Monday by 10.00 am
Fishing Only
The 2020 Member Application Form is available on-line and now is the time to become a 2020 Member noting Member numbers will again be limited. Acceptance of 2020 fishing only bookings up to month 4 ahead begins in December.
See all Availability online via
Christmas Gifts
Why not organise a 2020 Membership or buy a fishing Voucher for a friend.
See Vouchers and fishing charges online via
See Member application online at
Fishery Activity Plan – the next 16-weeks
Manor Fisheries is closed for the winter and before we open on Saturday 21st March next year there are many on-going activities including:
Management of the lakes through netting and electro stunning.
Action a daily winter fish feeding program using an initial 1,200Kg of high quality feed
General grounds and islands maintenance
Apartments, cabin and security maintenance
Activity Report – 1st November 2019 to 30th November 2019
Over the coming weeks we plan to keep you informed of progress when we also welcome receiving your comments and/or ideas.
Lakes Management
Historically and risking a very heavy Environmental Agency fine, a misguided angler(s) unfortunately relocated Catfish into Lakes 1 and 3. As a result these lakes are regularly checked to determine if any are still present and require rehoming. It goes without saying that Members have a duty to report to Manor Fisheries any illegal movement of Catfish and if any Catfish are caught from Lake 1 or 3; they must be returned safely to Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish).
Lake 3 (Mixed)
The Hadlow College team consisting of 2 x staff and 16 x students, led by Brian Bailey - Commercial Fisheries Manager, arrived on a glorious Tuesday 15th October equipped with both Seine nets and electro-fishing equipment. One Catfish of some 8lbs was caught and rehomed to Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish) while 3 x double figure Carp found a new home in Lake 1 (Carp).
Let the search begin
A great result……
Lake 1 (Carp)
On a wet and drizzly 21st October another Hadlow College group consisting of 3 x staff and 14 x students, again led by Brian Bailey - Commercial Fisheries Manager, arrived equipped with Seine nets, electro-fishing equipment, saws and loppers. Two alternating groups focused on (a) clearing overhanging branches from Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish) and (b) removing some 150lbs of Carp to 9lbs plus some 50lbs of silver fish for rehoming to Lake 3 (Mixed). Of note many smaller Carp weighing around a 1 lb to 2lbs each and were 2 to 3 years old indicating successful breeding of Carp in Lake 1.
One of the many double Lake 1 Commons
When there is a will there is a way!
Disappointingly Cats are still breeding and appearing in Lake 1 (Carp) as some 10 x small Cats (including two in the 8lbs range) were caught. These were all safely rehomed to Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish).
Going forward, we request that we all remain vigilant and in the event of a Cat being caught from Lake 1 or 3 it be unharmed and relocated to Lake 2.
Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish)
A Hadlow College team of 3 x staff, led by Brian Bailey - Commercial Fisheries Manager, and 16 students arrived on Tuesday 12th November equipped with Seine nets, electro-fishing equipment, saws and loppers. Two alternating groups focused on (a) clearing overhanging branches from Lake 1 (Carp) and (b) removing some 150lbs+ of fish including 34 x Carp under 10lbs, Roach and Rudd to Lake 3 (Mixed).
Lake 2 when created in 1990
Lake 2 in November 2019
Hauling in the nets from Cat Alley to rehome Carp, Roach and Rudd to Lake 3 (Mixed).
A result of removing many over-hanging branches from Lake 1 (Carp).
Before the 2020 season start on Saturday 21st March, another netting is being arranged to rehome small and surplus Cats.
We extend our thanks to Terry Keard for providing all the Lake 1, 2 and 3 lake management action photographs shown above.
Cabin Log Book
Thank you to all those anglers who have spent a few moments in the past to summarise their catch in the Cabin Log Book and we wish you a very successful 2020 season.