The Angling Trust ( submitted a case to government for the early and full resumption of all forms of angling including night fishing and competitions. This has been permitted under the daily exercise rules and as with all aspects of the coronavirus restrictions, please keep well away from fellow anglers.
Should there be a COVID-19 “Lockdown” prior to your arrival, we will contact you to discuss returning monies paid or if you choose, retain your monies for a 2022 visit at 2021 rates. Keep well and keep safe.
Website Traffic
When we compare the Manor Fisheries website traffic statistics covering the first six months of 2021 with 2020, you may be interested to know there has been a measurable increase as follows:
Unique Visitors – up 14%
Page Views – up 4%
Fishing Report – 1st July 2021 to 31st July 2021
This month the movement and activity of the fish has been normal but due to weather conditions catches have proven to be a little “Slower” than usual for this time of year.
Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish) will open from the 1st August onwards but due to the loss of several large Cats around mid-June, Cat fishing may now be less rewarding compared to early June. Nevertheless, the Carp are settled noting the heaviest is a Common weighing 34lbs+.
Fishing Summary
Of special note we congratulate:
Tony Cook who used squid and krill boilies to tempt a 20lbs 3ozs Common.
Matthew Smith, whilst resetting his Tench PB, has for both the fourth and the fifth time this month, raised the 2021 Tench Leader Board to 5 lbs 12ozs PB and now to 6lbs 5ozs PB.
Lake 1 (Carp) Logbook Catch Reports
Following a short break ending 2nd July the catches of regulars Barry Trigg, Mel Baker, Martin Tulk and Steve Harper included:
Barry – Commons weighing 17lbs 8ozs, 15lbs, 14lbs 12ozs, 13lbs 2ozs and 12lbs 4ozs plus a 9lbs 12ozs Mirror.
Mel – Commons weighing 14lbs 8ozs, 14lbs and 12lbs 8ozs using Krill plus a 15lbs Mirror on pellet with worm.
Martin – Commons weighing 15lbs 4ozs, 14lbs and 12lbs using 15mm boilies plus Mirrors weighing 12lbs and 11lbs 8ozs on 14mm pellet.
Steve Harper – 15 x Carp to 19lbs weighing 148lbs in total plus 3 x kittens which were safely returned to Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish).
Arriving for a 36-hour session on the 5th July Phil Aldridge landed Commons weighing 12lbs, 11lbs and 9lbs while colleague Mike Ireland landed a 18lbs Common.
Also arriving on the 5th July for a 36-hour session, Tony Corkett ended with a 9lbs 12ozs Common.
During a short break Martin Penhallow landed a 18lbs 8ozs Common on the 11th July and on the 12th July a 14lbs Common from Lake 1 (Carp) and a 3lbs Mirror from Lake 3 (Mixed).
Louie Divall began his 60-hour session on the 14th July and landed Commons weighing 17lbs 8ozs, 2 x 15lbs, 14lbs 8ozs, 11lbs 5lbs and 4lbs.
Regular Steve Hyder returned on the 14th July and using Krill bait during a 36-hour session landed Commons weighing 12lbs 4ozs and 11lbs.
Fishing “Light tackle” on the 16th July Malcolm Whitethread landed many quality Roach plus a kitten which was returned safely to Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish).
Kieran Wright and Tony Hunt began their 24-hour session on the 16th July and their catch included weights of:
Kieran – Commons of 14lbs 6ozs and 11lbs 7ozs using Hulk boilies.
Tony – Common of 18lbs 7ozs and 16lbs using Manilla boilies.
Visiting on the 17th July Tony Hunt used Hulk boilies to tempt Commons weighing an 18lbs 7ozs PB and 16lbs.
On the 17th July Kieran Wright landed Commons weighing 14lbs 6ozs and 11lbs 7ozs where the successful bait was Manilla boilies.
Using almond white boilie bait on the 19th July produced a 12lbs Common for Tony Cook.
Regular Peter Austen returned on the 19th July and landed a 14lbs 8ozs Common.
Tony Cook returned on the 30th July and using squid and krill boilie bait caught a 20lbs 3ozs Common.
Arriving on the 31st July for 24-hours, Danny Donnelly used pineapple boilie baits and caught a 10lbs Common while Dean Nixon caught a 14lbs Mirror using pineapple 20mm boilies.
Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish) Logbook Catch Reports·
The lake was closed for July to allow for recovery. Nevertheless, partial reopening was tested on the 27th July by Apartment guest Adam Macleod, who night fished until 03.00 am; landing 2 x “double” Carp and 8 x Cats to 24lbs and during the following day 6 x small Carp and 5 x Cats that included weights of 37lbs, 32lbs and 22lbs.
Adam with his 37lbs Cat on the 28th July
Lake 3 (Mixed) Logbook Catch Reports
Ending June on the 30th, regular Matthew Smith used a method feeder with pellet plus prawn and garlic boilie baits to finish with an excellent catch including:
Mirrors weighing 9lbs 10ozs and 5lbs 1oz
26 x Commons from 4lbs 5ozs to 9lbs 6ozs
A 1lb 2oz Perch
Visiting on the 30th June Brian Kirby landed 4 x Carp weighing from 4lbs to 6lbs plus a 5lbs Bream while Andy Worf caught a 11lbs 11ozs Mirror.
Visiting on the 1st July Keith Emmett landed a 6lbs Common and a 5lbs Mirror.
Returning for a short break on the 3rd July Rod and Marilyn Daniels were soon amongst the fish:
Rod – 6lbs 13ozs Mirror on luncheon meat
Rod – 2lbs 3ozs Mirror on luncheon meat
Marilyn – Commons weighing 6lbs 8ozs and 5lbs 11ozs on luncheon meat
Rod – 2lbs 2ozs Mirror on Krill
Marilyn – Commons weighing 7lbs 12ozs, 6lbs 9ozs, 5lbs 10ozs and 5lbs 8ozs plus Mirrors weighing 5lbs 12ozs and 2lbs 9ozs on Krill
Rod – Commons weighing 4lbs 8ozs and 2lbs 4ozs on Krill
Marilyn – 5lbs 5ozs Mirror on Krill
Rod – Commons weighing 6lbs 4ozs and 3lbs 8ozs on Krill
Marilyn – 6lbs 7ozs Mirror and a 1lb 8ozs Tench
Rod – 5lbs 12ozs Common on bread
Marilyn – Commons weighing 7lbs 10ozs, 4lbs 8ozs, 4lbs 7ozs, 4lbs 5ozs and 4lbs 4ozs plus a 9lbs 14ozs Mirror on Krill.
Rod – A 7lbs 7ozs Common and a 6lbs 2ozs Mirror on bread.
Marilyn – Commons weighing 6lbs 2ozs, 5lbs 8ozs, 4lbs 2ozs and 2lbs 2ozs on bread plus Mirrors weighing 6lbs 4ozs and 4lbs 2ozs on Krill.
During a short visit Gary Blunt and Gary Ford used halibut pellet, luncheon meat and Krill baits to catch:
Gary Blunt – Commons weighing 7lbs 8ozs and 4lbs 8ozs plus a 5lbs 8ozs Mirror.
Gary Blunt – Commons weighing 7lbs 8ozs and 2 x 5lbs plus a 3lbs 12ozs Tench.
Gary Ford – Commons weighing 5lbs 8ozs and 4lbs 8ozs plus a 5lbs Mirror.
Gary Blunt – Commons weighing 10lbs 8ozs, 7lbs 8ozs, 2 x 5lbs, 4lbs 8ozs and 4lbs 5ozs plus a 8lbs Mirror.
Gary Ford – 4lbs 8ozs Common
Regular Matthew Smith, the current 2021 Tench Leader Board returned on:
16th July when Matthew again raised the 2021 Tench Leader Board with a weight of 5lbs 10ozs PB plus Commons weighing 7lbs 10ozs, 5lbs 9ozs and 4lbs 6ozs together with Mirrors weighing 8lbs 9ozs and 7lbs 6ozs.
23rd July Matthew’s catch included 14 x Commons to 9lbs 2ozs, 7 x Mirrors to 11lbs 6ozs, 2 x Tench to 4lbs 10ozs and 2 x Roach to 12ozs.
25th July Matthew again raised the 2021 Tench Leader Board for a fifth time to 6lbs 5ozs PB to add a specimen Tench PIN to his specimen Bream PIN caught on the 30th May. His catch also included Commons weighing 8lbs 2ozs, 6lbs 8ozs, 5lbs 6ozs and 4lbs 10ozs plus a 1lb 2ozs Roach.
28th July Matthew’s catch included 11 x Commons to 10lbs 6ozs, Tench weighing 3lbs 9ozs and 2lbs 10ozs, a 1lb 8ozs Bream plus a 12ozs Roach.
Phil Bishop arrived for a short break on the 17th July and was soon amongst the fish using a pole and method feeder with prawn, pellet, luncheon meat and worm baits:
19th – Commons weighing 8lbs 6ozs, 7lbs 11ozs, 7lbs 9ozs and 3lbs 9ozs, plus Mirrors of 4lbs 3ozs, 3lbs 15ozs, 3lbs 13ozs and 3lbs 2ozs plus Tench weighing 3lbs 2ozs and 2 x 2lbs 2ozs.
20th – 8 x Commons from 3lbs to 9lbs 2ozs, plus 3 x Tench from 3lbs to 5lbs and numerous Roach
21st – 11 x Commons from 5lbs 5ozs to 8lbs 3ozs plus a 4lbs 5ozs Mirror and Tench weighing 3lbs and 4lbs together with small Roach and Perch.
22nd – 8 x Commons from 3lbs to 6lbs plus 5 x Mirrors from 2lbs to 5lbs
23rd – 13 x Commons to 11lbs 2ozs and a 5lbs 4ozs Mirror plus a 3lbs 3ozs Bream and a 6ozs Perch.
Regular Pete Foster returned on the 19th July and landed 8 x Commons from 4lbs to 8lbs plus 3 x Mirrors from 5lbs to 6lbs.
Regular Terry Crank returned on the 23rd July and using a feeder with sweetcorn bait finished with 14 x Carp to 7lbs 10ozs, 2 x Bream to 4lbs 11ozs plus a 3lbs 14ozs Tench and a 10ozs Roach.
Neil Cordier landed 4 x Commons and 3 x Mirrors weighing from 6lbs to 8lbs during his visit on the 23rd July.
First time visitor Richard Cribb used pellet and luncheon meat baits and finished with Commons weighing 8lbs 8ozs and 3lbs 8ozs; a 5lbs 8ozs Mirror; Tench weighing 4lbs, 2 x 2lbs 12ozs and 2lbs 8ozs plus 10 small Perch and 2 x Roach.
Comments and Feedback
As a valued visitor, we welcome receiving any feedback you may wish to give with respect to the accommodation, fishing, or facilities at the lakes. Please send us your comments via
2021 Awards and Competitions
2021 - PIN Awards
Every angler is awarded a PIN when meeting the qualifying weight to commemorate catching their first Manor Fisheries specimen fish and for each species shown below:
2021 - Leader Board
The 2021 Leader Board competition will run throughout our 2021 Season and commenced on Saturday 13th March 2021. Prizes will be awarded for the following specimens caught by or on Sunday 10th October 2021 and in the event these “Target weights” are not met, the prizes below will be awarded for the heaviest verified Carp, Catfish and Tench specimens recorded in the Cabin Logbook:
£50.00 for the first verified 50lbs+ Catfish
£50.00 for the first verified 30lbs+ Carp
£50.00 for the first verified 8lbs+ Tench
Please ensure Cats weighing over 30lbs and Carp over 20lbs are recorded in the Cabin Logbook, as this forms the basis of our Monthly News Report and provides valuable input to our lake management plans.
2021 - 1,000lbs Club
Every angler landing 1,000lbs or more in a single contiguous session will awarded becoming a member of the prodigious Manor Fisheries 1,000lbs Club.