2022 Reservations
2022 Accommodation with Fishing reservations are now being accepted at 2021 rates.
The Angling Trust (https://anglingtrust.net/covid-19/) submitted a case to government for the early and full resumption of all forms of angling including night fishing and competitions. This has been permitted under the daily exercise rules and as with all aspects of the coronavirus restrictions, please keep well away from fellow anglers.
Should there be a COVID-19 “Lockdown” prior to your arrival, we will contact you to discuss returning monies paid or if you choose, retain your monies for a 2022 visit at 2021 rates. Keep well and keep safe.
Wing Walking
Many visitors have commented on the flights near bye where adventurers “Wing Walk”. To celebrate her 75th September birthday Rhonda has chosen raise funds for Dr. Barnado’s by becoming a Wing Walker at noon on Thursday 23rd September. If you wish to support Rhonda’s brave fund-raising activity, please see https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/rhonda-morrison2 for more details.
Website Traffic
When we compare the Manor Fisheries website traffic statistics covering the first six months of 2021 with 2020, you may be interested to know there has been a measurable increase as follows:
Unique Visitors – up 14%
Page Views – up 4%
Fishing Report – 1st August 2021 to 31st August 2021
Lake 1 (Carp) Logbook Catch Reports
Regular Simon Rasho returned on the 1st August and using yellow pop-ups finished with a 15lbs 6ozs Common and a 10lbs 1oz Mirror.
During a short break the Group arranged by Paul Adkins used boilie and squid baits to catch:
3rd Aug – Carp weighing 20 lbs, 18lbs, 15lbs and 2 x 12lbs.
4th Aug – Carp weighing 21lbs 4ozs and 22lbs
Kieran Wright returned on the 6th August for a 24-hour session and finished with Commons weighing 15lbs 4ozs, 15lbs and 8lbs 8ozs plus a 3lbs 6ozs Cat which was safely rehomed to Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish).
During a short break Ian Claringbold used Tutti Frutti boilie baits and together with Terry Claringbold they had successes targeting the Carp:
7th August - a Commons weighing 17lbs 6ozs PB plus a 12lbs using a pineapple snowman pop-up and a 4lbs Common next day.
9th August – Lake 3 (Mixed) Commons – 6lbs 2ozs, 4lbs 2ozs, 4lbs, 3lbs, 2 x 2lbs 8ozs, a 5lbs Mirror and a 2lbs 8ozs Bream.
11th August – Lake 3 (Mixed) using pineapple boilies Commons weighing 7lbs, 6lbs 10ozs, 6lbs 8ozs and 2 x 3lbs.
12th August - Commons weighing 10lbs and 9lbs 4ozs.
13th August – a great session including Commons weighing 19lbs 4ozs PB, 17lbs 2ozs, 17lbs, 14lbs 11lbs plus Mirror weighing 20lbs 2ozs new PB and 16lbs 1oz.
9th August – Lake 3 (Mixed) using pineapple boilies Commons weighing 5lbs 2ozs, 3lbs 2ozs and a 5lbs 2ozs Mirror.
10th August - using halibut pellet bait tempted a 18lbs 2ozs PB Carp.
11th August – Lake 3 (Mixed) using Sadman boilies Commons weighing 10lbs, 7lbs 12ozs, 3lbs 4ozs and 3lbs plus a 5lbs 4ozs Mirror.
Arriving on the 10th August for a 48-hour session, Terry Keard used krill baits and caught 3 x Carp including Commons weighing 11lbs 11ozs and 8lbs 14ozs plus a 12lbs 7ozs Mirror. And again, on the 26th August Terry caught a 12lbs 3ozs Common on Robin Red while colleague Steve Hyder landed Commons weighing 12lbs 10ozs and 12lbs 8ozs.
Visiting on the 12th August Paul Jenkins caught Commons weighing 13lbs, 12lbs 5ozs and 7lbs 15ozs.
Arriving for a short break on the 14th August Tony Back and Susan Stephen-Ford targeted the Carp:
15th August – Common weighing 11lbs 7ozs
16th August – 9lbs 3ozs Common plus Samantha with a 10lbs 7ozs Mirror
15th August – Mirror weighing 10lbs 11ozs
16th August – Commons weighing 16lbs 4ozs and 14lbs 8ozs
17th August – Common weighing 18lbs 2ozs
19th August – Common weighing 10lbs 6ozs
Danny Donnelly used 18mm krill boilies on the 18th August and successfully landed Commons weighing 14lbs and 11lbs.
Regulars Peter and Roger Austen returned on the 19th August and both recorded success:
Peter – Mirrors weighing 19lbs and 10lbs using banoffee boilies
Roger – Commons weighing 14lbs 8ozs, 14lbs and 10lbs 3ozs using krill and white chocolate with coconut boilies.
Eddie Stephens visited on the 22nd August and landed Commons weighing 19lbs 8ozs, 13lbs and 5lbs plus a 13lbs Mirror while colleague Lewis Yaxley land all Commons weighing 16lbs, 15lbs, 13lbs and 12lbs.
Regular Pat O’Sullivan returned on the 22nd August for a 36-hour session and landed 9 x Carp including a 20lbs Common on maggot, Commons weighing 18lbs, 2 x 17lbs, 16lbs, 14lbs and 1lb on pellet/boilies plus linears weighing 19lbs and 16lbs.
Tony Cook visited on the 23rd August and landed a 18lbs 2ozs Mirror where squid and krill boilie was the successful bait.
Returning on the 23rd August Tony Corkett caught a 15lbs 10ozs Common using krill bait during his 24-hour visit.
Fishing with 8mm pop-ups on the 25th August, Ian Cranstone caught a 13lbs 10ozs Common.
Danny Donnelly returned on the 27th August and using Scopex squid boilie bait during his 24-hous session caught 4 x Carp including Commons weighing 16lbs 14ozs and 13lbs 6ozs plus Mirrors weighing 14lbs 8ozs and 10lbs 3ozs while Kevin Donnelly the following day landed a 12lbs 5ozs Common while using pop-ups.
Justin Cutter and Louie Divall arrived on the 28th August and during their 36-hour session landed 14 x Carp including:
Justin – 3 x Commons weighing 15lbs, 14lbs, 12lbs and 10lbs plus a 15lbs Mirror
Louie – 8 x Commons weighing 2 x 14lbs, 13lbs 8ozs, 13lbs, 12lbs 8ozs, 12lbs and 2 x 11lbs plus a 14lbs 14ozs Mirror
Bernie Day returned on the 29th August and landed Commons weighing18lbs 8ozs, 10lbs and 8lbs 8ozs.
Visiting on the 30th August Ken Darvill had a great catch landing 155lbs of Carp including 10 x Commons to 16lbs 8ozs and 4 x Mirrors.
Regulars Terry Hare and Paul Teakle Visited on the 31st August when it was Commons all the way with weights of:
Terry – 18lbs 4ozs, 15lbs 12ozs, 11lbs 12ozs and 11lbs 8ozs.
Paul – 16lbs 2ozs and 13lbs 8ozs.
Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish) Logbook Catch Reports
Returning on the 3rd August John Bairam landed a 15lbs Common but unfortunately lost a 20lbs Cat at the net. Returning on the 13th August John had greater success and landed a Cat weighing 22lbs 12ozs.
Regular Tony Payne arrived on the 6th August for a 24-hour session and using halibut pellet bait caught 6 x Cats including weights of 31lbs 12ozs, 25lbs, 18lbs and 3 x Kittens plus a 9lbs Common.
Tuna and Krill boilies resulted in a 16lbs Cat for Tony Cook on the 9th Aug plus a Cat weighing 25lbs 10ozs on pellet.
Visiting on the 10th August regular Paul Teakle landed a 19lbs 4ozs Cat using squid bait while Terry Hare caught Commons weighing 5lbs 8ozs and 3lbs on pineapple boilies. Returning on the 23rd August for 24-hours Paul landed 4x Carp to 9lbs 12ozs plus 40+ Rudd on sweetcorn and dog biscuit baits.
On the 12 August Roger Simmons landed Cats weighing 25lbs and 22lbs plus small Carp weighing 7lbs and 5lbs.
Chris Cook arrived on the 14th August for a 36-hour session and finished with Cats weighing 35lbs and 27lbs plus 3 x small Carp.
Only small Carp showing on the 16th and 17th August with Terry Hare using Pacific Tuna boilies to catch 3 x 5lbs Carp and Tony Corkett landing 2 x Commons weighing 7lbs each.
Gary Vaughan arrived on the 18th August and during a 60-hour session landed 5 x Cats to 15lbs 14ozs plus 6 x Carp.
Paul Black visited on the 25th August with his young son Daniel who caught a 16lbs 10ozs PB Cat – well done.
Daniel and his 16lbs 10ozs PB Cat
John Bairam again visited on the 29th August and landed a Cat weighing 22lbs 13ozs.
Arriving on the 29th August regular Dean Nixon landed Cats weighing 21lbs and 18lbs during a 24-hour session.
Lake 3 (Mixed) Logbook Catch Reports
Visiting on the 3rd August Richard Cribb used pellet bait and caught 2 x Bream weighing 4lbs 3ozs and 4lbs 1ozs plus a 3lbs 3ozs Tench.
Regular Bryan Butler returned on the 4th with his Grandson and together they landed Carp weighing 7lbs, 2 x 6lbs 8ozs, 2 x 6lbs and 4lbs 8ozs plus a 3lbs 8ozs Tench.
Regular Matthew Smith returned on the:
5th August - a good mixed catch
Commons – 5lbs 12ozs, 4lbs 9ozs and 4lbs 2ozs
Mirrors – 7lbs 8ozs, 6lbs 7ozs, 5lbs 6ozs, 4lbs 3ozs and 4lbs 1oz
Tench – 3lbs 4ozs and 2lbs 2ozs
Bream – 6 x to 3lbs 12ozs
Perch x 12
Rudd and Roach x 15
9th August – another great session
19 x Commons to 9lbs 12ozs
11 x Mirrors to 8lbs 3ozs
4 x Tench to 4lbs 3ozs
1 x Roach
13th August
11 x Commons to 10lbs 1oz
Mirror of 5lbs 2ozs
5 x Tench to 4lbs 12ozs
16th August
17 x Commons to 10lbs 6ozs
11 x Mirrors to 9lbs 3ozs
5 x Tench to 4lbs 6ozs
A 4lbs 2ozs Bream
25th August
6 x Commons to 8lbs 3ozs
4 x Mirrors to 7lbs 7ozs
3 x Tench to 4lbs 2ozs
1 x Roach
Regular Graham Payne visited on the 7th August and landed 4 x Commons weighing 8lbs 8ozs, 8lbs 4ozs, 7lbs 1oz and 4lbs 2ozs where pellet was the successful bait.
It was the welcome return of Richard Hoadley plus Dick Phillips on the 11th August when their mixed catch included Carp to 6lbs, Tench weighing 2lbs 8ozs and 2lbs plus Roach, Rudd and Perch.
Keith Emmett was joined by colleagues Peter Merrick and Nigel Davies on the 12th August and successes included:
Keith – Mirrors weighing 7lbs 12ozs and 6lbs 4ozs plus a 6lbs 4ozs Mirror
Peter – Commons weighing 8lbs 12ozs and 7lbs
Nigel – a 6lbs 4ozs Common
Richard Cribb visited on the 18th August and landed 6 x Carp including Mirrors weighing 10lbs 8ozs, 6lbs and 4lbs 11ozs plus Mirror of 5lbs 8ozs, 5lbs 2ozs and 4lbs 6ozs where pellet was the successful bait.
Bryan Butler and Grandson Benjamin visited on the 18th August and their catch included a 5lbs Mirror and a 4lbs Common.
Returning on the 20th August Neil Cordier landed 14 x Carp weighing from 6lbs 4ozs to 8lbs plus a Tench on luncheon meat.
Chris Batten visited on the 21st August and his Mixed bag included 3 x Carp with a 7lbs Mirror, a 5lbs Linear and a 5lbs Common plus 8 x Roach/Rudd and 2 x Perch.
Rod and Marilyn Daniels arrived on the 21st August for a short break when every day was different – the fishing, the weather and the wildlife. Using a variety of baits, they were soon catching Carp:
21st August
Rod – 5lbs 9ozs Common
Marilyn – Commons weighing 8lbs 5ozs, 4lbs 6ozs, 3lbs 4ozs and 3lbs
22nd August
Rod – 5lbs 12ozs Mirror plus two smaller Carp using bread bait
Marilyn – 10 x Commons to 7lbs 14ozs using krill pellet bait and Mirrors weighing 5lbs 7ozs, 5lbs 4ozs and 5lbs 3ozs.
23rd August
Marilyn – 5lbs 7ozs Common on krill pellet
24th August
Rod – using krill pellet a 4lbs Common and a 3lbs 14ozs Mirror
Marilyn – 4 x Commons from 5lbs 1oz to 7lbs 4ozs and 5 x Mirrors from 4lbs 4ozs to 6lbs 10ozs
25th August
Rod – luncheon meat was the successful bait for 7lbs 10ozs Common while krill proved successful for a 4lbs 2ozs Mirror
Marilyn – krill pellet proved successful in catching a 7lbs 3ozs Common
26th August
Marilyn – a 4lbs 3ozs Common
27th August
Rod – 7 x Commons on bread weighing 9lbs 5ozs, 8lbs 11ozs, 8lbs 2ozs, 7lbs 5ozs, 5lbs 5ozs, 4lbs 2ozs and 3lbs 8ozs.
Brian Madden and Len Chapman arrived on the 23rd August for a short break and were soon catching Carp:
23rd August
Brian – Carp weighing 7lbs and 2 x 6lbs
Len – 3lbs Mirror on sweetcorn bait
25th August
Len – 9lbs 5ozs Mirror on sweetcorn
Returning on the 25th August, Ray Hanson used luncheon meat bait and finished with 5 x Carp including Commons weighing 8lbs, 6lbs, 4lbs and 2lbs plus a 4lbs Mirror.
During a short visit Malcolm Whitethread caught a 6lbs 12ozs Common and a 4lbs 6ozs Mirror using sweetcorn on the 29th August.
Comments and Feedback
As a valued visitor, we welcome receiving any feedback you may wish to give with respect to the accommodation, fishing, or facilities at the lakes. Please send us your comments via https://www.manor-fisheries.co.uk/comments-feedback.