2020 Bookings
You can now book your favourite week for 2020. Bookings are now being accepted that include Apartment plus Fishing for 7-nights or longer.
Holiday Arrival and Departure Dates
7 nights is arriving Saturday and leaving Saturday by 10.00 am
3 nights is arriving Friday and leaving Monday by 10.00 am
4 nights is arriving Monday and leaving Friday by 10.00 am
Today – 7-nights or longer for 2020 bookings that include Apartment plus Fishing
Oct’19 – Availability of 2020 Member Application Form – numbers will again be strictly limited
Nov’19 – 7, 4 or 3-nights for 2020 bookings that include Apartment plus Fishing
Dec’19 – Bookings for fishing up to month 4 ahead
See all Availability online via https://www.manor-fisheries.co.uk/availability/.
2019 Bookings
For the 2019 season, Manor Fisheries changed to a limited Membership only Fishery for all fishing and we confirm that the 2019 Membership is now FULL.
Fishing Report – 1st August 2019 to 31st August 2019
Lake 1 (Carp)
After spawning finished at the beginning of July the Carp have been showing up to 20lbs and in better numbers that have generally been similar to last year.
During a short break Rod Foakes targeted the Carp using Cell bait tipped with sweetcorn and Pacific Tuna boilies:
5 Aug – Commons weighing 16lbs 2ozs, 15lbs 4ozs, 15lbs 3ozs, 13lbs 4ozs
6 Aug – Common weighing 17lbs 4ozs and a 11lbs 4ozs Mirror
7 Aug – Commons weighing 17lbs 4ozs, 16lbs 5ozs 12lbs 2ozs and a 8lbs 2ozs Mirror
Regular David Hodge returned on the 6th August and landed Commons weighing 12lbs 8ozs and 10lbs 8ozs
Arriving on the 6th August for his 48 hour session, regular Terry Keard landed 9 x Carp using Robin Red and CC Moore boilies including Commons weighing 15lbs 7ozs, 14lbs 1oz, 12lbs 13ozs, 12lbs 2ozs, 11lbs 12ozs, 11lbs 9ozs, 11lbs 2ozs, 7lbs 13ozs plus a 10lbs 6ozs Mirror.
Visiting on the 8th August Peter and Roger Austen used Cell and Mainline Banoffee boilies:
Peter – Commons weighing 12lbs 6ozs and 11lbs 4ozs
Roger – Commons weighing 15lbs, 14lbs 12ozs, 14lbs, 13lbs 8ozs, 12lbs 4ozs, 10lbs 8ozs
Arriving for a short break on the 13th August, Roy Jerome plus son Scott and grandson Zach targeted the Carp. Their catch included weights of 2 x 16lbs 10ozs, 15lbs 2ozs, 14lbs 7ozs, 14lbs, 13lbs 12ozs, 6 ranging 8lbs to 10lbs and a 17lbs 8ozs PB for Zach using twin 12 mm boilies.
Tony Buck, together with Sue Stephen-ford and Sam Town, returned on the 10th August for a short break and targeted the Carp; achieving two new PB’s:
Ian and Terry Claringbold arrived for a short break on the 16th August when they fished Lake 3 (Mixed) on the 16th and using boilie and pellet baits then had many successes on Lake 1 (Carp) including:
It was the return of regular Terry Keard on the 20th August and using Krill, Robin Red and halibut pellet baits during a 48 hour session; Terry landed all Commons x 6 weighing 13lbs 3ozs, 12lbs 10ozs, 11lbs 8ozs, 9lbs 4ozs, 9lbs 1oz and 6lbs 3ozs.
Peter and Roger Austen made a return visit on the 21st August and using banoffee boilie baits, Peter caught Commons weighing 11lbs 4ozs and 11lbs plus a 10lbs 6ozs Mirror while Roger used Cell and pineapple boilies to catch Commons weighing 12lbs 4ozs and 10lbs 5ozs. And again on the 28th August Peter caught a 18lbs 2ozs Mirror and a 10lbs 6ozs Common while Roger landed Commons weighing 13lbs, 12lbs 4ozs, 11lbs, 10lbs 8ozs and 8lbs plus a 16lbs 4ozs Mirror.
Karl Hallewell visited on the 28th August and using 15 mm Scopex liver boilie bait landed Commons weighing 19lbs 8ozs, 16lbs 4ozs, 14lbs, 12lbs and 10lbs. · Visiting on the 30th August Tim Collins used krill boilie bait and successfully landed a 16lbs Mirror and a 12lbs Common plus a further but small Common.
During a short break beginning the 30th August on Lake 2 for a successful Cat session, Keith Thompson and son Callum plus brother-in-law Christopher Hammond again successfully targeted the Carp on the 31st August:
Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish)
The number of Cats caught during August has increased significantly (99 x 30lbs+ plus 4 x 40lbs+ being the Manor Fisheries record August to date) and especially at night with an average size now approximately 30lbs and up to 43lbs+ this month.
Regular Reg Miller returned on the 2nd August accompanied by Wayne Johnson, Mel Baker and Gary Atkins and armed with halibut pellet and yellow pop-ups with krill boilie baits; targeted the Cats during their 36 hour session.
Mel – 33lbs 8ozs, 29lbs, 27lbs, 22lbs 8ozs and 20lbs 8ozs
Wayne – 31lbs and 29lbs 8ozs
Reg – 34lbs 4ozs, 34lbs, 2 x 32lbs, 31lbs 8ozs, 30lbs, 23lbs and 10lbs
Gary – 35lbs 6ozs, 32lbs 14ozs, 32lbs 6ozs, 30lbs 5ozs, 30lbs 4ozs, 27lbs 3ozs, 25lbs 6ozs, 24lbs 9ozs, 22lbs 8ozs and a kitten
Arriving for a break beginning the 3rd August, Bernie and Tracy Day targeted the Cats using halibut pellet baits:
Gary Day began his hectic 24 hour session on the 4th August and using halibut pellet bait landed 16 x Cats including:
30’s – 38lbs, 33lbs 4ozs, 32lbs 8ozs, 2 x 31lbs, 30lbs 4ozs
20’s – 29lbs, 28lbs, 25lbs, 23lbs 4ozs, 22lbs 4ozs, 22lbs, 21lbs 4ozs, 20lbs 10ozs
Kittens – 15lbs, 14lbs
Visiting on the 5th August Terry Hare caught a 15lbs Cat when the successful bait was luncheon meat.
Following his earlier successes on Lake 1 (Carp) and Lake 3 (Mixed), on the 8th August Rod Foakes targeted Cats for the first time and a using a triple 28 mm halibut pellet bait caught Cats weighing a PB 28lbs 1oz and 26lbs 7ozs.
Rod and his PB Cat weighing 28lbs 1oz
Returning after four years, Gary Hilton (and Cary) were welcomed back on the 10th August accompanied by James and Terence Edge plus Steve Davis for their Group visit who all set out to tempt the Cats using halibut pellet and leech baits. Their 6 day/night successes included landing 54 x Cats with 2 x 40’s and 33 x 30’s weighing in total 1,595lbs (and an average weight of 29lbs 6ozs each):
Gary caught 19 x Cats weighing a total of 624lbs that included weights of 2 x 38lbs, 5 x 36lbs, 35lbs, 2 x 33lbs, 3 x 32lbs, 2 x 31lbs, 2 x 30lbs, 28lbs and 21lbs
Steve – 11 x Cats weighing a total of 254lbs 12ozs that included weights of 40lbs 2ozs PB, 37lbs 6ozs, 35lbs 6ozs, 28lbs 5ozs, 20lbs 70zs, 20lbs 2ozs, 19lbs, 17lbs, 16lbs, 15lbs and 6lbs 1oz
Terry – 9 x Cats weighing a total of 261lbs 15ozs that included weights of 38lbs 9ozs, 38lbs 5ozs, 38lbs, 33lbs 4ozs, 31lbs 8ozs, 31lbs 5ozs, 30lbs 6ozs, 30lbs 4ozs, 25lbs 6ozs and a 10lbs Carp.
Jimmy – 15 x Cats weighing a total of 454lbs 4ozs that included weights of 41lbs 7ozs, 37lbs 9ozs, 37lbs 8ozs, 37lbs, 36lbs 4ozs, 36lbs, 33lbs, 2 x 29lbs 7ozs, 28lbs 9ozs, 28lbs 6ozs, 26lbs 6ozs, 23lbs, 20lbs 6ozs and 12lbs
Steve and Ross Mitchell had a great session when they visited on the 17th August that included 6 x 30’s:
Steve – 36lbs 3ozs, 34lbs 2ozs, 25lbs 5ozs, 16lbs 5ozs and 16lbs 2ozs
Ross – 36lbs 1oz, 35lbs 5ozs, 32lbs 5ozs and 32lbs 3ozs
In spite of heavy down pours on the 18th August, Alan and Connor Cambridge had a great session that included 1 x 40 and 4 x 30’s:
Alan – 36lbs, 34lbs, 28lbs, 25lbs 8ozs, 19lbs
Connor – 43lbs 7ozs PB, 32lbs, 31lbs, 21lbs, 15lbs
Again there were very heavy showers on the 19th August but regular John Bairam was still successful in landing 6 x Cats including weights of 40lbs 12ozs, 32lbs 2ozs, 31lbs 9ozs, 27lbs 2ozs, 19lbs 3ozs and 17lbs 6ozs. And again on the 29th August John landed Cats weighing 37lbs 7ozs and 27lbs 4ozs.
Regular Jason Tuckey returned on the 19th August for a 24 hour session and using halibut pellet bait landed 14 x Cats averaging 30lbs 4ozs each and weighing a 426lbs 2ozs total. His catch included 8 x 30’s including weights of 38lbs 2ozs, 36lbs, 34lbs 1oz, 33lbs 7ozs, 33lbs, 32lbs 4ozs, 30lbs 10ozs, 30lbs 2ozs, 29lbs 8ozs, 29lbs 4ozs, 28lbs 4ozs, 28lbs, 26lbs and 16lbs.
Hadlow College were out in force on the 21st August when Brian Bailey accompanied by Tom Benson and Jon May visited for their 48 hour session. Using halibut pellet and worm baits, they targeted the Cats and landed 10 x 30’s:
Brian – 31lbs, 25lbs and 4 x kittens
Tom – 2 x 39lbs, 35lbs 34lbs, 33lbs 32lbs, 31lbs and 2 x 20’s
Jon – 33lbs 6ozs, 33lbs 3ozs and 25lbs 2ozs
Jon with a couple of Cats
Regular Tony Payne returned on the 23rd August for a 24 hour session and had great success using halibut pellet bait when his catch included 4 x 30’s including weights of 38lbs 8ozs, 37lbs, 36lbs, 33lbs, 28lbs and 26lbs.
Arriving for a short break Naomie Rule and Zac Amor targeted Cats for the first time and used halibut pellet and krill baits. During the night of the 23rd August they were rewarded with success that included weights of 36lbs PB, 31lbs, 26lbs, 19lbs and 18lbs.
Regular Bryan Butler visited on the 24th August and landed Cats weighing 28lbs and 24lbs where halibut pellet was the successful bait. And again on the 28th August Bryan caught Cats weighing 28lbs and 23lbs.
During blistering hot weather on the 25th August, Steve Collins raised his PB with a 32lbs PB Cat.
Dev Hudaverdi and son Dennis arrived for a 48 hour session on the 25th August and during extremely hot weather caught 6 x Cats weighing 38lbs, 33lbs, 30lbs, 25lbs and 22lbs where the successful baits were luncheon meat and halibut pellet.· During a short break beginning the 30th August, Callum Thompson landed Cats weighing a PB 34lbs 40zs, 17lbs and 11lbs plus a 11lbs 6ozs Carp while brother-in-law Christopher Hammond landed a PB 39lbs 10ozs Cat.
Arriving for a short break on the 31st August Robert Hanson and Jackie Colton targeted the Cats and using halibut pellet bait Jackie was successful in landing a 18lbs Cat while Robert caught a 33lbs Cat.
Starting his 36 hour session on the 31st August, Connor Cambridge had a great start catching Cats weighing 39lbs and 31lbs where halibut pellet was the successful bait.
Lake 3 (Mixed)
Lake 3 continues produce several good catches including many Carp:
Graham Payne visited with his son Tom on the 4th August and using pellet baits they both has a Mixed catch including:
Bream of 3lbs and 2lbs
Commons of 7lbs, 5lbs, 4lbs, 3lbs and 2lbs 8ozs
Tench of 2lbs and 1lb 8ozs
Bream of 2lbs
Commons of 10lbs, 4lbs, 3lbs
Mirrors of 5lbs, 4lbs 8ozs , 2 x 3lbs
Tench of 2lbs, 1lb
Returning on the 5th August Bernard Day used Scopex and Dynamite Source pellet baits together with bread to catch 8 x Mirrors weighing 8lbs 4ozs, 2 x 8lbs, 7lbs 5ozs, 7lbs, 6lbs 10ozs, 6lbs 8ozs and 5lbs 5ozs plus a 2lbs 2ozs Bream and Tench weighing 1lb 15ozs and 1lb 4ozs.
Regular Fred Rosier had a good mixed catch on the 6 August including:
Bream of 3lbs 11ozs, 3lbs 6ozs, 2lbs 12ozs
Commons of 7lbs 4ozs, 6lbs 5ozs
Mirrors of 9lbs 3ozs, 4lbs 11ozs, 3lbs 13ozs, 3lbs 12ozs
Tench of 2lbs 7ozs, 2lbs 5ozs, 1lb 14ozs
It was a keenly fought match by Bexley & District AC on a very windy 10th August with a close finish for first place:
1st Geoff Brocker with 99 lbs
2nd Andy Newman with 81 lbs 12 ozs
3rd Gary P Butcherwith 59 lbs 4 ozs
Roger Simmons and Tyler Edwards returned on the 11th August and landed Carp to 8lbs, Tench to 2lbs and Bream to 3lbs along with numerous Perch.
When using CC Moore pacific tuna boilie bait on the 13th August, it was truly a family affair which resulted in a catch of 19 x Carp weighing from 4lbs 8ozs to 7lbs 12ozs for Terry Hare, while son David landed 7 x Carp ranging from 2lbs 7ozs to 7lbs 14ozs and grandson Arthur caught his first ever fish – a 6lbs Mirror Carp. In addition to add variety they also caught many Roach, Perch and Bream.
Arthur Hare and his 6lbs Mirror Carp
Fishing with pellets in the margins on 15th August, produced 12 x Carp to 7lbs 8ozs for regular Steve Hyder.
Ian and Terry Claringbold arrived for a short break on the 16th August and had many successes including:
Ian – 4 x Commons ranging from 6lbs to 12lbs (his Manor Fisheries PB) and a 5lbs Mirror using prawn bait
Terry – a 3lbs Tench, 6lbs and 10lbs Mirrors (his Manor Fisheries PB) and a 11lbs Common (his Manor Fisheries PB) using red krill pellet bait
Rod and Marilyn Daniels returned for a short break on the 17th August and using boilie and luncheon meat baits had many successes including:
Regular Paul Evans visited on the 21st August and using his long pole and sweetcorn, luncheon meat and bread baits caught 4 x Carp to 12lbs 1ozs and 2 x Tench to 1lb 12ozs plus several Roach.
The George Nettleton Memorial Match was held on the 23rd August and during extremely hot weather the results were:
1st Tony Filmer with 35 lbs 11 ozs
2nd Darren Winter with 11 lbs 10 ozs
3rd Darrel Terry with 11 lbs 8 ozs
It was a welcome return of Sue and Mark Rogers on a very hot 26th August and using his feeder rod with luncheon meat bait, Mark landed 5 x Commons weighing 7lbs 11ozs, 6lbs 7ozs, 4lbs 8ozs, 4lbs 7ozs, 4lbs plus a 3lbs 10ozs Bream and a 2lbs 11ozs Tench while Sue caught a 8lbs 12ozs Common, a 8lbs 10ozs Mirrr and a 3lbs 14ozs Bream also using luncheon meat bait.
During a short break Gary Cadwallader had success on a very hot 27th August and using luncheon meat bait landed 13 x Carp weighing from 4lbs to 8lbs plus 3 x Bream and 2 x Tench.
Robert Mannering visited on the 30th August and using sweetcorn and boilie baits landed 3 x Commons to 8lbs 5ozs plus 3 x Mirrors and a Bream.
Manor Fisheries Specimens
Each year we award every angler with a PIN to commemorate catching their first Manor Fisheries specimen fish for each species shown below. The 2019 PIN qualifying weights are:
2019 Leader Board
The Leader Board competition will again run throughout our 2019 Season and commence on Saturday 23rd March 2019. Prizes will be awarded for the following specimens caught by or on Sunday 29th September 2019:
£50.00 for the first verified 50lbs+ Catfish
£50.00 for the first verified 30lbs+ Carp
£50.00 for the first verified 8lbs+ Tench
In the event these “Target weights” are not met, the above prizes will be awarded for the heaviest verified Carp, Catfish and Tench specimens recorded in the Cabin Log Book by or on Sunday 29th September 2019.
In addition to recording Cats weighing over 30lbs, don’t be shy ……. please also record Carp over 20lbs as this forms the basis of our Monthly News Report and provides valuable input to our lake management plans.
Thank you to all those anglers who have spent a few moments in the past to summarise their catch in the Cabin Log Book.