Introduction to Winter and Summer
February Winter
Winter arrived fully this month and some grounds maintenance plans were unfortunately delayed. Hopefully, there will soon be a sustained period of rain free weather for the grounds to recover before Opening again on Saturday 13th March.
Looking East across Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish)
Looking East across Lake 1 (Carp)
We will continue ensure that we are Never knowingly over crowded as reservation requests for accommodation, fishing and 2021 membership has been much higher than all previous years due to the continued COVID -19 Lockdown.
Late Summer last year
Have a look at the latest video created by the well-known specimen angler, journalist and photographer Duncan Charman, when he landed a 42lbs 8ozs Catfish during his late Summer 2020 visit. Why not reserve a Swim and relax in an uncrowded environment and possibly raise your Carp or Catfish PB whilst enjoying beautiful countryside?
HMG has decided that angling is a permitted activity under the present Lockdown conditions with one other person. This has been permitted under the daily exercise rules and as with all aspects of the coronavirus restrictions, no groups are allowed so please keep well away from fellow anglers. Night fishing (and match fishing) presently not allowed.
The Angling Trust submitted a case to government for the early and full resumption of all forms of angling including night fishing and competitions and these will now be possible from Monday 29th March.
The Angling Trust website has comprehensive information about all the limitations caused by COVID-19 and for more information visit
Should there be a COVID-19 “Lockdown” prior to your arrival, we will contact you to discuss returning monies paid or if you choose, retain your monies for a 2022 visit at 2021 rates. Keep well and keep safe.
Two dates for your 2021 diary.
The Manor Fisheries 2021 Season is:
2021 Apartment and Fishing Reservations
Apartment Reservations
You can now reserve 2021 for Accommodation plus Fishing for which includes Membership for the duration of your visit.
Holiday Arrival and Departure Dates
7 nights is arriving Saturday and leaving Saturday by 10.00 am.
4 nights is arriving Monday and leaving Friday by 10.00 am.
Fishing Reservations
2021 Members can now book day and night fishing up to month 4-ahead including March, April, May and June 2021.
2021 Membership
Manor Fisheries is a 100% Members only Fishery for all anglers aged 18 years old or more. An application for 2021 Membership can be made online at
This year we are experiencing both earlier and increased numbers of reservations. This has resulted in the remaining spaces for 2021 Memberships filling much faster than previous years, noting they are allocated on a “First come, first served” basis.
There are two Membership 2021 (Jan to Dec) categories and numbers are strictly limited:
Member - can fish any lake. The 2021 Membership fee is £35.00 – ALMOST FULL.
Lake 3 Member - limited to fishing Lake 3. The 2021 Lake 3 Membership fee is £15.00.
Increasing Lake 2 Break Offs
Due to the Cats becoming heavier and stronger, the number of break offs has markedly increased and even when using lines stronger than the minimum 20lbs breaking strain required. It will be well worth while replacing your line for the 2021 season. An abrasion resistant monofilament is recommended and a brand you may wish to consider is Berkley Trilene Mono XL which is also sensibly priced:
A growing number of Cats have also been lost due to the straightening of poor-quality hooks. Hooks for Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish) should be barbless and forged (not wire or Cat hooks). A strong hook with a larger eye than most brands (good for making hair rigs); that is competitively priced, can be sourced from Wicked Rigs (Hand Made in the UK). This is an eBay seller (kevash123uk) and their eBay ID is: 192301880534.
Comments and Feedback
You are a valued visitor, and we welcome receiving any feedback you may wish to give with respect to the accommodation, fishing, or facilities at the lakes. Please send us your comments via
Fishery Maintenance
Maintenance Summary
The fishery is closed for the winter but there is on-going maintenance required before reopening on Saturday 13th March 2021:
Daily fish feeding for all three lakes continues when the lakes are not frozen.
Lakes Management
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, waiting to reset dates.
Grounds, Lakes, Apartments and Cabin Maintenance
This month the focus was again on Lake 3 (Mixed) and additionally Lake 1 (Carp) and Lake 2 (Carp/Catfish) to clear dead branch/leaf litter and reduce the islands of over-hanging branches. This has resulted in exposing more light to the water surface and a reduction in stray rigs becoming snagged.
When carrying out this work many stray leads/hooks were retrieved from over-hanging branches. In spite of fixed leads and Cat hooks being banned, it was disappointing to come across several of these rigs. If in doubt as to what constitutes a Running Ledger see Better still, dispense with a lead clip and use a more fish friendly Run-Ring.
Run-Ring Kit
Please note Membership will be withdrawn from any angler found using a bolt rig (fixed lead) or Cat hook and there will be no exception.
2021 Awards and Competitions
2021 - PIN Awards
Every angler is awarded a PIN when meeting the qualifying weight to commemorate catching their first Manor Fisheries specimen fish and for each species shown below:
2021 - Leader Board
The 2021 Leader Board competition will run throughout our 2021 Season and commence on Saturday 13th March 2021. Prizes will be awarded for the following specimens caught by or on Sunday 10th October 2021 and in the event these “Target weights” are not met, the prizes below will be awarded for the heaviest verified Carp, Catfish and Tench specimens recorded in the Cabin Logbook:
£50.00 for the first verified 50lbs+ Catfish
£50.00 for the first verified 30lbs+ Carp
£50.00 for the first verified 8lbs+ Tench
In addition to recording Cats weighing over 30lbs, please record Carp over 20lbs as this forms the basis of our Monthly News Report and provides valuable input to our lake management plans.
2021 - 1,000lbs Club
Every angler landing 1,000lbs or more in a single contiguous session will awarded becoming a member of the prodigious Manor Fisheries 1,000lbs Club.